As a Board Certified 5-PATH, 5-Phase Transformational Master Hypnotist, I guide clients to move through their emotional pain, reducing their responses to triggers, inspiring insight and self-empowerment. Practicing 7th Path Self‑Hypnosis allows them to become their own therapist, the path to self-epowerment.

My Dearest Joan Ann, 5 Stars
“ I chose Freedom Thru Hypnosis to address my issues related to anxiety, OCD, childhood abandonment, and domestic abuse. Mrs. Fissette provided me with techniques to diffuse anxiety, see things from a different perspective, and forgive. The biggest benefit I achieved from 5-PATH is now I know that it was not my fault, and I am worthy of love. Now I am better able to deal with anxiety and negative self-talk. My practice of 7th Path has allowed me to forgive and have more peace in my life.”

What Can Hypnosis Do for You?

Weight Management
Hypnosis is the magic ingredient of a “No Food Restriction” plan. Lose easily and permanently by Reprogramming Your Weight using body, mind, and spirit.

Smoking Cessation
Many people use hypnosis as a tool to help them relieve the burdens and health problems arising out of smoking and vaping causes.

Pain Management
Sometimes the discomfort we feel may come from places we wouldn't expect. Hypnosis may be able to help you relieve some of that discomfort

Anxiety/ Trauma Resolution
Self-Hypnosis will teach you techniques you can use to help manage your day-to-day stress and address future challenges in your life.
Learn More About the Many Concerns We Address at Freedom Thru Hypnosis
True or False?
Can you tell what is true and what is false? Click the statements to find out how much you know!
Hypnosis guides you into becoming who you were meant to be. The process neutralizes old limiting beliefs, emotions, or habits that have caused you to not be as successful as you would like to be regarding the issues that you want to work on. Practicing daily self-hypnosis will increase your focus and concentration skills while recharging your energy. I am a certified Self-Hypnosis teacher.
Maybe you have tried many avenues unsuccessfully to reach a goal. Hypnosis works because it taps into the power of the subconscious mind where our memories and emotions live. 5-PATH® Advanced Transformational Hypnotists are highly trained to guide you.
The purpose of hypnosis is to relax just enough to enter a state of heightened suggestibility where your subconscious mind is exceptionally susceptible to the changes that you have shared with your hypnotist. During this state, you may feel a variety of emotions related to the transformational process.
Hypnosis can guide you in many ways, for example: to change habits and beliefs, address past trauma, reduce pain (physical and emotional), eliminate fears, inspire spiritual growth, and so much more.
Anyone who is able and willing can be hypnotized. Twenty percent need extra steps to acquire the 4th stage of hypnosis, where changes are more permanent.
Hypnosis is not magic or supernatural. It is scientifically based. Our subconscious mind can embrace an idea such as a fear/phobia instantly. Conversely, our brain can learn a new response quickly due to its neuroplasticity.
I teach 7th-Path Self-Hypnosis FREE to any client who purchases a four-session package. It is a life-changing experience whether you are spiritual or not.
1) Truly believe that your hypnotist can guide you towards success.
2) Have a strong desire to change behavior or belief.
3) You must be willing to follow the hypnotist's directions.
Any changes in beliefs and behaviors that occur through hypnosis or self-hypnosis are directly controlled by one's ability to identify one's own needs and willingness to follow the hypnotist's suggestions.
You want to remember all the insight you have learned from your session so you will be conscious and alert the whole time. You will be able to talk with your hypnotist. If you fall asleep, you will be awakened. The only exception is if you are being hypnotized for medical purposes such as surgery.
Hypnosis is a consensual state. If a suggestion against the client's belief system is made by the hypnotist, the client will immediately emerge from hypnosis. You are always in control. Stage shows choose participants who are willing to react to silly suggestions.
Conscious thinking represents only 5%-7% of our minds. The rest is the subconscious and unconscious (autonomic control activity such as breathing) mind.
The Critical Factor is the part of our Conscious Mind that examines, interprets, and filters incoming ideas. When similar ideas are presented to the Conscious Mind, they are accepted easily but, when ideas are too different from what is already held, they are rejected.
Repetition is essential in starting or removing a habit.